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    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    How to Cure Varicose Veins

    Varicose is a condition which arises due to weak veins. Veins carry impure blood from various parts of the body to the heart. If these veins become weak, rather than carrying blood to the heart, they flow back to the organs and thereby causes congestion. Although this problem develops in any body part, legs are more prone region. Varicose veins are caused by various factors like lack of exercise, prolonged standing, obesity and pregnancy. However, it can be treated by some home remedies. Below lines provide you some information on

    How to Cure Varicose Veins

    Following are some effective remedies to cure varicose veins at home

    • Apply vitamin E oil or witch hazel, white oat bark or comfrey tea on the afflicted areas. Let it stay for a few minutes and rinse it off. This is the most beneficial remedy for varicose veins.
    • Never wear skintight bottom wear or pants. This puts more pressure on the circulatory system and worsens the situation. This may develop varicose veins.
    • Try to maintain a healthy and clean colon. Never remain constipated. This reduces the occurrence of varicose veins.
    • Another best natural remedy is application of apple cider vinegar around the affected area. You must repeat this twice a day.
    • You may also take white oak bark, taheebo and bayberry to prevent and heal varicose veins.
    • Vegetable juices particularly spinach juice and carrot juice is the best home remedy to cure varicose veins. You can consume 200 ml of spinach juice and 300 ml of carrot juice at a time.
    • Consumption of fresh fruit juices also aids in curing varicose veins.
    • Vitamin C and vitamin E supplements have been effective in curing this condition. Consult the physician regarding the dosage.
    • Don’t run or walk hardly. While sleeping, keep your legs at an elevation.
    • Enema with lukewarm water neutralizes toxins from colon and the body. This is a best remedy for treating several diseases including varicose veins.
    • An alternate cold and hot bath is another beneficial remedy for varicose veins.

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