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    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Tips on Diet for Weight Loss

    If you are looking to lose weight, do not take recourse in new-dangled fads which may prove harmful. Often, simple dieting tips work best. Read on to learn how balanced and wholesome dieting can lead to steady, sustainable and healthy weight loss.

    Ideal Diet Foods

    The best diet foods for weight loss are low in complex carbs and fat, and rich in minerals and vitamins. They are also bulky, so that you feel full soon, restricting your calorie intake. Eat plenty of whole grain breads, pasta, rice, nuts, beans and whole grain cereals. Avoid fried and greasy foods. Here is a list of foods you can eat which are great for weight loss


    Rather than munching on a packet of biscuits after a tough day, try munching grapes instead. Grapes have high amounts of sugar and have zero percent fat. They make the perfect snack as a 100 grams of grapes contain just 70 calories, and can provide you with the energy you need, especially later in the evening.


    Prepare salads with cucumber, lettuce, capsicum, cabbage, beetroot, carrot or tomato as these have low amounts of calories. You can also use lemon or curd for dressing the salad.


    The next time you want a snack, skip sandwiches and pick an orange instead. An orange contains on average 48 calories only, along with fiber and other nutrients. Being a watery fruit, oranges can also be crushed to make fresh orange juice. Avoid the bottled or canned orange juices though as they contain more calories and artificial sweeteners.

    High fiber cereals

    Some cereal based foods can fill you up with relatively less amounts of calories. Corn flakes or rice wheat, barley and oats with low sugar content can be the best breakfast choices you make. You can also add skimmed milk and chopped fruits if you prefer them sweet.


    Are you surprised The problem is the way you cook potatoes and not exactly with the potatoes. If potatoes are boiled or baked and consumed with fatty accompaniments, they are good for health. Smash potatoes and add pepper powder and lime juice. A medium sized potato contains 97 calories, and if cooked correctly with the right ingredients, can fill you up while going easy on the calories.

    Along with eating foods that help you in weight loss, follow these useful tips in order to help your weight loss.

    Tips on Diet for Weight Loss

    First, there is no fast and healthy way to lose excess weight. The best method is eating a balanced diet combined with regular exercise. Eat healthy foods and do not restrict your diet.

    Eat Low-Calorie Items First

    During your meal, take care to eat low-calorie foods first. Then, you can move to other foods. For instance, start with vegetable soups, vegetables and salads. Then, try the meat items. Starchy foods should be relegated to the end of the meal. This will ensure you are satiated by the time you start eating high-calorie foods.

    Do Not Drink Soda

    Do not drink calorie-laden beverages like sweet tea, soda or flavored drinks. Implementing this single move can help you lose weight. If you cannot avoid soda at any cost, drink diet soda. This step will enable you to shed about 20 pounds in just a year.

    Eat Before Eating Out

    If you cannot avoid eating out because you have a meeting or get-together etc., then eat a snack or small meal before you go to the appointment. The snack could be an apple or boiled egg. This will ensure you are not ravenous at the party, and do not pig out.

    Avoid Low-Carb Diets

    Commercial low-carb diets are expensive and unhealthy. They lead to fat accumulation and can even cause stroke, heart attack, or damage to kidneys and liver. And, once you stop this diet you will regain weight in no time.

    Drink water before you eat

    Drink lots of water or tea before you start eating your dinner or lunch as it can reduce your appetite and ensure that you eat less.

    Heavy breakfast

    Make sure that you eat a heavy breakfast that is filling as, a generous and healthy breakfast will make you less hungry through the rest of the day which will result in you eating less for your lunch and dinner.

    Avoid dieting fads

    Avoid dieting fads that promise a lot of weight loss in a very less time. These are not trustworthy and can result in your body being subject to starvation.

    Calorie counter

    A Calorie counter is a machine that counts the number of calories that are present in food. Buy a calorie counter and record the calories you consume. This will help you keep track of all the calories that are going into your body and with this, you can see to it that the amount of calories you consume is lesser than the amount you spend

    Eat smaller meals more frequently

    Eating only for your lunch and dinner will make you more hungry you will end up eating more than you should. Instead of two big meals a day see to it that you divide your daily food intake into 5-6 meals as this will not only help you lose weight faster but also balances the acids of your stomach.

    Eat slowly

    Chew your food slowly and take your time while eating, as this is known to satisfy your hunger sooner which will result in you eating less.Also, it helps in digesting your food properly.

    Stick to your weight loss plan

    when you follow a certain diet see to it that the changes you make in your diet do not have drastic effects on you as you will have to stick to your diet plan for at least 6 months.Hence, it is best if you avoid crash diets and stick to whatever plan you make, so that it will have good results

    Never use diet pills

    Using diet pills to suppress your appetite is never safe and can cause side effects like dependency, irritability, insomnia and high blood pressure.Also, you will put on much more weight than you lost with these pills after you stop using them

    Remember that weight loss does not happen overnight. Give it time and surely you will be rewarded with a leaner, healthier and fitter body!

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