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    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Home Remedies for Skin Care Tips

    Do you know what is the secret of good looking skin It is not hidden in the use of costly cosmetics. Apart from burning your pocket, these may also make some undesired changes to the skin. Rather, you can follow some home remedies for skin care for revitalizing the skin naturally.

    Home Remedies for Skin Care – Tips

    Changing the diet and also increasing the physical activity may make wonders to enhance the skin. Following are some tips for skin care:

    Increase Water Consumption

    This is the best tip for skin care. In order to maintain youthful look of the skin, you must drink lots and lots of water. To get healthy glowing skin, drink 7 – 8 glasses of water every day. Insufficient amounts of water can cause acne on face. Appropriate amounts for consumption is considered as a remedy unhealthy and dry skin. Drink warm water helps in rejuvenating and detoxifying the skin. It also helps in eliminating blackheads which are associated with acne. Briefly, drinking more water helps in maintaining the beauty of the skin.


    This is another simple remedy for skin care at home. Follow a regular exercise routine to promote healthy skin. This is so because exercise stimulates blood circulation. As you all know, proper blood circulation is must to transport nutrients to various body parts. Increase in blood flow to the skin during exercising ensures proper supply of nutrients to skin. It is noticed that inactive people are more susceptible to skin ailments such as acne. Regular exercise may delay aging signs like wrinkles and even allow a person to maintain good shape.

    Healthy Diet

    What you eat also matters a lot for the skin. If you are looking for a wrinkle free skin, follow a nutritious diet. Including healthy foods in the diet may help to maintain the skin’s luster. This is the easiest remedy to maintain healthy skin which works wonderfully for eliminating skin ailments. Antioxidant rich foods are regarded as the skin friendly foods and thus they must be included in the diet. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals which occur with age. Free radicals may damage to the skin like formation of wrinkles. These can be delayed by consuming foods rich in antioxidants.
    • Tomato and carrots juice
    • Vegetables such as sweet potatoes and fruits like mangoes, oranges and strawberries
    • Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, cabbages
    • No Smoking
    This is the best tip to avoid skin damage. If you smoke for a long period, it triggers respiratory disorders which in turn damages the skin. The skin quality diminishes in people who smoke every day. Skin aging symptoms like wrinkles may appear early in them. Premature wrinkles are most common side effect of smoking. Facial features change in smokers and these changes are not pleasant. Quit smoking and follow a healthy diet plan to improve skin texture.

    Topical Treatment for Skin Care

    you need not visit a salon necessarily to know about the beauty and skin care tips. Certain books and websites provide information on home remedies for skin care to maintain a healthy looking skin.

    Pineapple Juice

    This is the best home remedy for healthy skin. A mixture of pineapple and carrot juice is very effective to obtain good looking skin. This remedy for face rejuvenates the skin as carrot juice contains vitamin A which is well known or skin revitalization. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for 10 – 15 minutes and rinse with water. This solution also protects the skin from sun damage.


    External application of papaya is very beneficial for skin. It is widely used for treating several skin disorders and also sops premature aging. Application of mashed papaya on the skin eliminates rough skin. Papaya face mask is best for treating acne.

    Lime Juice

    Mix equal amounts of lime juice, rose water and glycerin and apply it on the skin. Let it stay for a few minutes and rinse it off. This helps in restoring softness and to eliminate pimples.

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