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    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Home Medicine for Common Cough

    There are many herbal remedies for cough which can help you cure common cough without spending money on prescription drugs and their harmful side effects. Common cough is usually caused due to either the blockage of bronchial tubes by waste substance or inflammation of the pharynx and larynx. Following are some herbal remedies for cough which you can use safely with little or no side effects.


    The turmeric plant is considered a silver bullet for common cough. You can mix half teaspoonful of turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk and drink this twice a day. This should give you relief from common cough quickly.

    Raw onion juice is known to help in treating cough. Finely chop the onions and extract its juice. Mix one teaspoonful of onion juice with one teaspoonful of honey and set it aside for 4-5 hours. This is an effective cough syrup which can be taken two times a day. Onions are found to be effective in removing phlegm. You can also crush a medium-sized onion, add juice from a medium-sized lemon to it and then a cup of boiling water mixed with it. You can add honey for taste. Take this medicine two to three times a day.

    Grapes are found to be an excellent remedy for cough. They have the ability to tone up your lungs while acting as an expectorant helping in relieving you from cough and cold in a short duration. You can mix one cup of grape juice with one teaspoon of honey for cough relief.


    Almonds are effective in treating dry cough. Remove the brown outer skin of some almond kernels and soak them overnight in water. Once soaked well, grind them well to form a paste. Add about 20 grams each of sugar and butter to this paste. Take this paste once in the morning and once in the evening.


    Sauce prepared from raisins can be helpful in curing cough and this is a popular home remedy for cough. Crush 100 gms with water. Mix 100 gms of sugar with this mixture and heat it. Preserve this mixture when it starts forming a sauce-like consistency. Take 20 gms of this sauce at bedtime everyday.

    Belleric Myroblan

    Mixture prepared from this herb is found to be very helpful as a home remedy for curing cough. Prepare the mixture comprising 2 gms of the fruit pulp, 1/4th teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of honey and ½ teaspoon of pepper and consume it twice a day to treat the condition. You can also enclose the fruit which is dried, in wheat flour and roast it. This is another way of treating your cough.


    Aniseed has high expectorant capability and is an effective cure for dry coughs which are hard. It helps you break the mucus in the throat and chest. Drink tea made out of this spice regularly till your cough vanishes. This is one of the simplest home remedies.


    Ginger is a herb which is very effective in soothing your throat and chest while relieving cough. You can mix a few drops of ginger with honey and take it three to four times a day. For dry cough, you can peel a small piece of fresh ginger, add a pinch of salt and chew.

    Some other herbal remedies for cough include chewing a couple of seeds of peppercorn with a pinch of black cumin seeds and a pinch of salt, a clove of crushed garlic with 3-5 drops of clove oil and half teaspoon of honey, or a cup of boiling water with one teaspoon of carom seeds, one teaspoon of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of honey.

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