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    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    How to Beat Stress

    Stress has become a major cause of physical and mental ailments in today’s harried world. Stress affects all of us from students to professionals. Therefore, it is necessary to learn a few effective stress management techniques to overcome stress and lead a peaceful life. In this article, we reveal simple yet effective tips on how to beat stress.

    Spend Some Alone Time in Silence Daily

    Today, technology rules the roost and we are constantly bombarded with information streaming through television, cellphones, internet etc. We need to tune off for some time daily from this information overload. Whenever you feel stressed, take some time off and ponder over the situation in silence. This alone time can be utilized to set right your priorities and adjust your expectations according to reality.

    Be Still and Watch Your Thoughts

    We need to realize that stress is mostly a mind game. You can beat stress with this simple meditation technique. Sit comfortably or relax in a hot bath and watch your thoughts floating one by one. Do not get attached to these thoughts, just note their presence, and detach from them. Slowly, negative thoughts will lose their power over you. With time, the gaps between each thought will increase and you will be able to bask in the divinity of a still mind.

    Chase Your Passions

    Not all of us are blessed with the jobs we are passionate about. But, we can still passionately pursue our interests as hobbies. When you are absorbed completely in your loved task, your brain activity is slowed down, and you enter a zone where your internal chatter is silenced. Your beloved hobby could be photography, gardening, writing, painting, biking, hiking, cooking etc. Passionately pursue your hobby to lift your mood and lower your blood pressure.

    Don’t Watch the News

    Every now and then take a break from watching television news or browsing the newspaper. We need to realize that daily news is all about sensationalizing freakish events. Our minds are designed to imbibe joy, not sorrow and disaster. Therefore, take a news break now and then to give rest to your mind from freakish happenings and sensational reporting that can cause stress.

    Chant a Mantra

    We need to understand that even though we may perform to our best ability, there are forces beyond our control that affect the results. Therefore, we need to surrender to this higher force and focus on giving our best without worrying about the results. Whenever you feel stressed, chant a simple mantra like Om, Shalom or Hail Mary. You can also simultaneously practice deep breathing, inhaling through the nose. Practice this meditation technique for a few minutes every day to beat stress.

    Get a Massage Regularly

    A relaxing body massage can soothe tired muscles, give emotional release, and lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Therefore, utilize your free weekends to get yourself a soothing and energizing massage.

    Laugh Your Way out of Stress

    Nowadays, laughter yoga is becoming popular in India and many other countries. People join laughter clubs and spend some time guffawing merrily. Laughter has many benefits and can help you beat stress. So, raise your arms and spread them, open your chest and let out a mighty guffaw. Continue laughing merrily for a few minutes to improve your overall health.

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