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    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar

    The importance of Pranayam and yoga in maintaining the health has been known since ancient times. Surya namaskar is the most important part of yoga and must be done in the morning. This is the best exercise which helps in maintaining healthy mind and body. Although it is a part of yoga, it contains usual moves done in yoga. It contains a set of different moves. You can become expert by performing it continuously for some days. It does not cause any strain or injury on the body. If performed in the morning hours, it makes you feel revitalized and relaxed for the rest of the day. Besides, there are several benefits of surya namaskar.

    Following are some of the benefits of surya namaskar:
    • It helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles.
    • It tones up the digestive system by alternate compression and stretching of abdominal organs. This enhances digestion and thus treats dyspepsia and constipation.
    • It ventilates the lungs thoroughly and also oxygenates the blood.
    • It acts like an detoxifying agent by eliminating excessive amounts of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.
    • It tones up nervous system and enhances memory.
    • It calms anxiety and promotes sleep.
    • It stimulates the activity of endocrine glands – particularly thyroid gland.
    • Surya namaskar enhances muscle flexibility.
    • It refreshes the skin and thus prevents skin ailments.
    • In women, surya namaskar stimulates the breast to become firm and restores lost elasticity by stimulating the glands and by strengthening pectoral muscles.
    • It also aids in reducing excess fat.
    • It also prevents hair loss and graying of hair.
    • It suppresses menstrual irregularity and helps in easy childbirth.
    • It eliminates bodily odors.
    • Also surya namaskar decreases the abnormal prominence of Adam’s apple.
    • It lends grace and ease of body movements.
    • It broadens chest and thus beautifies arms.
    • Maintains and revives the spirit of youthfulness.
    • It gives efficiency, strength, longevity and health.
    • Surya namaskar makes the waist and spine flexible.
    Who must not do Surya Namaskar
    • People suffering from high blood pressure and Hernia are not allowed to practice this.
    • Pregnant women must not practice this after third month of their pregnancy.
    • Women must not practice during menstruation period.
    • People with back pain must seek advice before commencing this yogic exercise.
    • This is a best exercise for people of all ages. This is the best way to reduce weight and burn excess calories.a

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