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    Wednesday, September 3, 2014

    Health Benefits of Drinking a Glass of Red Wine Everyday

    A glass of red wine everyday can be more than your guilt laden indulgence. More and more research findings now talk about the health benefits of red wine, especially in promoting cardiovascular health. In 1992, a Harvard Research paper had included moderate alcohol consumption as one of its eight prescribed ways of reducing coronary heart disease.
    Statistical studies have revealed a J-Curve association between red wine intake and risk of cardiovascular diseases. The higher the intake the more is the risk whereas in moderate intake the risk is lower than non drinkers.

    Health Benefits of Drinking From a Glass of Red Wine Everyday
    • The antioxidants present in the skin and flesh of red grapes it is made from can decrease the free radicals and promote health. In fact, decrease of free radicals have been linked with cancer preventive therapies.
    • Researchers in Spain found that a glass every day brought down the risks of getting lung cancer by 13%.
    • Red wine can also help bring down the risks of prostrate cancer and breast cancer.
    • The antioxidants called flavonoids in red wine can bring down the levels of the artery clogging fat known as the Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol or commonly known as the bad LDL Cholesterol.
    • The same antioxidants can increase the levels of the High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol known or better known as the good HDL Cholesterol.
    • A compound known as Resveratrol found in red wine is also associated with the above benefits of cholesterol management.
    • Research in mice have shown that the antioxidant reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes.
    • Another ingredient saponin in red wine also helps to control cholesterol.
    • It also contains polyphenols which improves heart health.
    • The antioxidants also reduces blood clots and inflammation. These conditions could very well be the precursors to cardiac arrest and heart failure.
    • Reservatol also promotes longevity.
    • It delays the onset of brain diseases and dementia.
    • Red wine especially cabaret sauvignon, chianti and merlot has an antioxidant melatonin. Melatonin can calm your nerves and help you sleep better. It also helps inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
    • It can also help with cold, cough and sinus problems.
    • However, to perceive the benefit of a glass of red wine everyday it is essential to emphasize the portion of it recommended. Moderation is the key here.

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