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    Thursday, July 24, 2014

    Diagnosis of Hair Loss

    Hair loss is not that easy to diagnose as it seems. You need to take many preventive measures and treatments to cure this disorder. A full set of information about medical and family history can be really fruitful. Also, physical examination helps in getting rid of this problem.

    The rate of hair loss and the condition of its nearby area are some of the symptoms that help in checking the disease and its phase. There are certain tests that are withheld if the cause is not efficient enough to detect the disorder.

    Some of them are as following:

    Pull Test

    Several dozens of  hair are pulled to see how many come out. This helps in detecting the stage of hair fall process.

    Skin Scrapings

    Samples taken from the skin or few hair that are plucked, gives the information about whether the hair fall is occurring due to some infection or some other skin disease.

    Punch Biopsy

    In this test, the section of your skin's deepest layer is taken to find out the cause of hair fall. This test is mainly done when you face severe hair fall.

    Screening Test

    This test is performed to find out whether you are suffering from some medical cause or thyroid, diabetes, lupus.


    Hair are clipped or shaved in an area of the scalp and photographs taken for 3-5 days to check the period and pattern of growth.

    Hair Window

    In this test, hair are shaved from an area of the scalp and evaluated for about 3-30 days. Different changes are observed during this period and then a basic notion is built upon it.

    Hair Shaft Evaluation 

    This consideration is made by taking a sample of a hair shaft and it is thus evaluated and observed. The evaluation takes at least 5-30 days. This test tells that whether the hair shaft has any fungal infection or not.

    Sometimes, hair loss is a side-effect of certain drugs which are used to treat some problems like gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems and high blood pressure. There are many fruitful habits that can be formed like good dietary habits, keeping hygiene, staying away from stress and strain, using only herbal products for hair. Yoga and regular exercises also brings a very healthy change in your life.

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