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    Thursday, July 24, 2014

    Ancient Toothache Remedies

    The news of a man dying due to toothache was indeed very much shocking as well as an eye opener for all those who completely ignored their oral health. We have to understand the fact that our dental health must never be neglected at any cost. The increase in the percentage of people suffering from toothache over the years has been attributed to many reasons.

    But instead of wasting your precious time in discussing about those reasons, we would help you get rid of this irritating toothache by telling you some of the remedies. The following are those ancient toothache remedies which would help you a good deal in saying goodbye to toothache

    Cloves and Clove oil: 

    One of the ancient toothache remedy consists of cloves. Chewing cloves or applying clove oil to the aching teeth is quite useful in getting the pain relief.

    Guava leaves:

    Chewing guava tree leaves is very much prevalent from ancient times in getting rid of the toothache as well as strengthening the loose teeth.


    Chewing wheatgrass or having a mouthwash of wheatgrass is also an effective remedy for toothache.


    Onion is a natural antibiotic and very effective in preventing tooth decay. For healthy gums, keep the pieces of onion on the gums and spit out after sometime. Though not many people like its taste yet it is beneficial in pain relief.


    Garlic contains allicin which stops the growth of the bacteria and helps in the toothache relief.


    Chewing pieces of ginger for sometime is also an ancient toothache remedy.


    Rubbing salt on teeth and gums or brushing the teeth with salt is also an effective remedy for pain in the teeth.

    Babul Tree’s Bark:

    It has been found that babul tree’s bark has been used for brushing the teeth and taking proper care of the dental health.

    The above are some ancient toothache remedies, which can be very beneficial in getting toothache relief. Though the ancient remedies are tried and tested by our forefathers yet it is advisable to consult your dentist if the condition is very serious. Keep smiling and be healthy.

    Also check out the articles, Tips for Whiter teeth for Smokers as well as Cosmetic dental Surgery: Its Cost Pros and Cons to some essential things about your oral health.

    Feel absolutely free to share your precious views, inputs, experiences or queries.

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