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    Tuesday, December 31, 2013

    Six Secret Home Remedies for Back Pain

    Humans have been plagued with back pain ever since we dropped down from the trees and started walking upright. Since that time we have tried many ways to cure our back aches. Unfortunately, our ancestors didn't have the access to modern medicines and procedures that we have. Today we are very quick about popping a pill or going to a doctor and or chiropractor for every aches and pains. So what our ancestors used to cure a bad back and were these old timey cures effective?

    Well the answer is yes! There are many home cures for back pain. I don't know how secret they are: most are just common sense. However it's sometimes surprising how often common sense flies out the window when pain clouds our judgment.

    First let us look at some of the benefits of using these "secret home cures".

    1. These cures can ease or eliminate back pain.
    2. You will feel better.
    3. You will improve your sleep.
    4. You can save money compared with over the counter or prescription drugs.

    Does this sound good? There are many more benefits, but I think these are enough to motivate you to try these secret cures.

    Here are some remedies that have worked for me and I am sure can work for you. Some of these secrets can be use immediately and some when the pain subsides and some only after checking with your doctor.

    1. Rest: Yeah I know "Big Secret" but it's amazing how many people have forgotten how to really rest. First turn off all electronic devices at least a half hour before bed time and keep your bedroom dark and cool. If you have more serious sleeping issues see your doctor.

    2. Pillows: Another method that I like is lying on my side with the pillow tucked between my knees.

    3. Cold Compress: Go to the freezer and grab a bag of frozen peas, wrap in a towel and place directly on the painful area. Have you ever notice how when an athlete is injured the first thing they do is apply "ice"? They do this because it works! The cold clams the nerves and deadens the pain. But only keep the compress on for a maxium of twenty minutes.

    4. Heat: There are many rubs and lotions you can buy that can help with the pain. However a simple home remedy is to make or have someone who sews make a cloth bag filled with rice. Pop the bag into the microwave for a few seconds and place on the painful area. The heat relaxes the muscles and eases the pain. My wife likes to switch for cold to hot packs because she say's it shocks the muscles and nerves. Try it, just remember not too hot or cold and only use for twenty minutes at a time.

    5. Massage: I love a good massage and find it really helps my back to relax. A real simple massage is to use what you probably have right in your cupboard: Olive Oil. Just warm up a couple of teaspoons in a glass bowl in the microwave and apply it to your back. Again be careful that's it not too hot. Don't worry about proper technique, just a slow up and down or circular motion is all that's needed.

    6. Hot Honey & Lemon Juice: This was my Dad's cure for almost any aliment from a cold to a bad back. I never remember Dad taking a sick day and he lived to be eighty-nine. A modern version of this secret elixir is as follows: a cup of hot water, a tablespoon of honey and a little lemon juice. I like to put a full slice of lemon right in the cup. Stir and microwave till hot and drink slowly. Take a couple of non-aspirin over the counter pain pills, a hot bath or shower and go to bed early.

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