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    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    Natural Beauty Tips

    Beauty is God’s gift and it is our responsibility to maintain what we are blessed with. The skin gets damaged with stress, exposure to environmental pollution and age. Sun rays cause havoc on skin and because of the depletion of ozone layer, harmful ultraviolet rays are penetrating directly into the skin. Because of this, people are facing many skin problems such as blotches, redness, black spots, premature aging and tanning. These factors are making us to look older than we are. Hence, it became an important task to care of skin for radiant and healthy look. Read through the below lines to know more natural beauty tips that one must follow for healthy skin.

    Natural Beauty Tips:

    One must be mentally, physically and emotionally healthy for beautiful physical appearance. Following are some natural methods which help you to glow from within.

    Sleep right:

    Sufficient amount of sleep keeps numerous skin problems such as wrinkles at bay. Every person needs a minimum of 8 hours of sound sleep every day. This helps to freshen up the mind and body in morning. In order to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, keep 2 – 3 pillows under the head while sleeping.

    Eat right:

    A balanced diet is must to make the skin and hair look beautifully. This includes fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. Fresh foods contain huge amounts of minerals and vitamins which are necessary for healthy hair and skin. Some vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants which protect the skin from any kind of damage. One must drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water for flushing out toxins from body.

    Avoid chemicals:

    Our body is exposed to various chemicals every day in the form of pollutants and smoke. You cannot avoid these chemicals. Hence, to reduce further exposure, one must lessen makeup use. These makeup products contain several chemicals which are can cause skin damage. Hair care products such as bleach and hair dye cause maximum damage to hair. Try to avoid them.

    Reduce stress:

    Stress has an adverse effect on health. This can give develop several hair and skin problems such as acne outbreaks, hair loss and so on. Hence, it is must to keep one’s mind free from stress. In such cases, regular exercises are highly beneficial. For relaxation, you can use certain techniques such as meditation.

    These are some natural beauty tips which help you to keep your skin beautiful.

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