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    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    Health Benefits of Lemon

    Juicy, acidic and flavorful lemons are the widely used citrus fruits in the world. This is the smallest citrus fruit, yet contains several health benefits than pomelo, orange, etc. This fruit belongs to Rutaceae family. Scientifically, it is called as Citrus Limon. This article focuses on the lemon health benefits and nutritional facts.

    Nutritional Facts of Lemons:

    We all know that lemons are good source of vitamin C. Here is the list of nutrients of nutrients present in 108 grams serving of a fruit.
    • Copper – 14%
    • Zinc – 1%
    • Magnesium – 3%
    • Phosphorus – 2%
    • Potassium – 4%
    • Pantothenic Acid – 3%
    • Iron – 4%
    • Calcium – 7%
    • Niacin – 1%
    • Riboflavin – 3%
    • Vitamin B6 – 6%
    • Thiamin – 4%
    • Vitamin C – 139%
    • Vitamin A – 1%
    Lemon Health Benefits:

    Lemon is actually an alkaline food and helps in restoring body balance of people that are used to an acidic diet. 

    Skin benefits: As lemon is rich in vitamin C, if you drink lemonade every day it brings glow to your skin. It can be used for treating skin infections, as lemon is an antiseptic. Also, one can use lemon for reducing burning sensation of skin. In order to reduce scars, one must apply it regularly. Also, you can use lemon juice for treating acne.

    Excellent antioxidant: Lemon is an excellent antioxidant as it contains vitamin C. These antioxidants act as scavengers against free radicals which cause aging.

    Hair care: For hair care, you can mix lemon juice in hot bath water. This helps to get rid of dandruff. Take juice of two lemons and mix them in hot water. Use this water for cleansing scalp and hair. This is a good cleansing agent. It gives shiny texture to the hair.

    Dental care: If applied on affected area, lemon juice gives relief from toothache. Massaging with lemon juice on bleeding gums helps to stop bleeding. Are you looking for bad breath remedy? Then you can use lemon juice as mouth wash. Add juice of one lemon in a glass of water and gargle with it. This helps in eliminating bad breath.

    Throat infections: As lemon has antibacterial properties, it assists in getting rid of many throat infections. If you are suffering from throat infections, one can drink warm lemon tea or use lemonade for gargling. Vitamin C in lemons helps in hastening the healing process.

    Weight loss: In master cleanse lemonade diet lemon is key ingredient. Add honey and lemon juice to hot water and consume it. It greatly reduces weight if you take it on an empty stomach.

    Blood purification: Lemonade acts like a blood purifier. It also helps in treating some conditions like cholera and malaria.

    High blood pressure: Those suffering from heart related problems can drink lemon water. It contains potassium and thereby aids in treating nausea and hypertension.

    Diuretic: Lemon is an excellent diuretic because it flushes out toxins and bacteria from the body. Hence, aids to treat arthritis and rheumatism.

    Respiratory problems: Lemonade greatly aids asthmatics because it helps in treating problems associated with respiratory problems.

    Lowering fever: Lemon water aids in treating flu and cold, and reduces body temperature as it increases perspiration.

    Stomach conditions: Hot water and lemon juice greatly provides relief from several stomach problems. It gives relief from constipation, stomach parasites, nausea, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, etc.

    This is all about lemon health benefits. You can get more benefits if you take it with lukewarm water. So, have lemon juice with water every day for better health.

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