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    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    How to Cure Sore Throat

    Sore throat can be a problem as it can cause difficulty while swallowing. Most times, sore throat can be cured with a few simple home remedies. But sometimes, a viral or bacterial infection may be the cause of your sore throat. In such a case, you need to visit a doctor to get antibiotic prescription drugs to cure your sore throat. Read on and learn a few easy tips on how to cure sore throat.

    Cures for Sore Throat
    • Mix salt in warm water and gargle a few times daily
    • Drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated
    • An effective home remedy is to mix honey in warm tea and drink it
    • Use a humidifier or steamer in the bedroom
    • Take pain killers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen
    • You can also try over-the-counter throat lozenges to cure sore throat.
    When to See a Doctor

    If your sore throat lasts for more than five days, it is a cause for concern. Watch out for the following symptoms and consult a doctor immediately, if you experience any of them:
    • Prolonged and severe sore throat
    • Difficulty in breathing
    • Difficulty in swallowing
    • You have trouble in opening your mouth
    • Fever over 101 degrees
    • Rash
    • Ear pain
    • Joint pain
    • If the sore throat keeps recurring
    • Hoarseness of voice that lasts for more than two weeks
    • If the doctor recommends antibiotics, take the full course of medicines and do not stop mid-way if symptoms improve. This may lead to a recurrence of the sore throat attack.
    Home Cures for Sore Throat
    • Mix some honey and lemon juice in warm water and drink this mixture. It is sure to give you pain relief.
    • Mix some cayenne pepper in hot water. Sip this drink slowly to cure sore throat.
    • Make a tea by mixing some dried chamomile blossoms in boiling water. Steep this tea and drink it through the day.
    • Besides warm salt water, you can also try gargling with aloe vera juice to cure sore throat.
    Herbal Cures for Sore Throat
    • Chew on some pieces of garlic. This is a great remedy for sore throat.
    • Make a tea by adding marshmallow root to boiling water. Drink this tea three times a day.
    • You can also prepare and consume honeysuckle tea. Add honey to make it sweet if you like it that way.
    • Mix basil leaves in water and gargle with this mixture. You can also drink it to get relief.

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