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    Wednesday, September 3, 2014

    Home Remedies for Allergies

    The term allergy refers to an unusual or a changed tissue reaction after exposing it to an allergen or an antigen. Allergy develops when your immune system becomes very sensitive and gets more prone to allergic reaction. Allergy can affect any part of the body. It is primarily caused by drugs, vaccines, serums, poisonous plants, animal hair, cosmetics, dust and pollen. Sometimes it is also caused due to too much exposure to physical agents like sunlight, heat and cold.

    It has also been found that certain foods can also trigger allergic reactions. Faulty lifestyle and careless diets can also cause allergies. Lastly, allergy can also result from physical or mental stress and strain. Eczema, frequent headaches and swelling of eyes and face are the symptoms of an allergic reaction. If you are in search of some home remedies for allergy, following lines may help you.

    Following are some of the effective home remedies for allergies


    The best home remedy would be application of sandalwood paste on the infected area. Combine lime juice and sandalwood to make a paste. Apply this on the afflicted area to get relief from itching and to give a soothing effect.

    Almond Leaves

    Apply smashed almond leaves on the afflicted areas to get relief from itching. This is another effective remedy for allergies.

    Mint leaves

    Add 5 grams of garden mint in water and make a paste with them. Strain the mixture and add 12 grams of sugar to it. Consume this mixture twice a day to get relieved from the symptoms of allergies.


    Smash papaya seeds and rub them on the infected areas to get rid of itching.

    Coconut oil

    Mix coconut oil and lemon juice and apply it on the affected areas.

    Poppy seeds

    Combine a tablespoon each of lime juice, water and poppy seeds to make a thick paste. Apply it on the afflicted area to get relief from itching.

    Citrus fruits

    Another simple and best remedy would be consumption of foods that are rich in vitamin C, especially citrus fruits.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it to heal allergy symptoms.

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