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    Wednesday, August 26, 2015

    8 Single-Leg Exercises That Tone Your Entire Body

    Working out both legs or arms together can keep you in the dark as to your real strength. Most people have a dominant side, so when you do a squat or leg press, the stronger leg naturally takes the lead. It’s very telling when you instead do a one-legged exercise like lunges. The weaker leg will struggle harder to complete the same number of repetitions.

    So one-legged moves can go far to balance out the right and left sides of the lower body. They keep you honest. To prevent injury, go easy in the beginning, start with one set and gradually work your way up to three sets. To maximize benefits, complete all sets on one leg or arm and then go on to the other. Also, start your one-legged exercises on the weaker leg, and then work your stronger leg.

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