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    Thursday, June 11, 2015

    6 Foam Roller Moves

    The phrase “roll out” used to only refer to the lyrics of a particular Ludacris song. Now the popular rap verse has trickled into the fitness universe, where it most accurately describes the process of moving your body on along a Styrofoam tube. Though it can look at little silly at first, foam rolling has stellar body perks. “It increases flexibility and blood flow to muscles, so it’s an excellent way to warm up and prevent injury before working out,” says Monica Vazquez, a New York City-based personal trainer. And research has found that it’s beneficial post-workout too: A study in the journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that foam rolling reduces muscle soreness after working out, helping speed up recovery. Plus, it can even help relieve achy legs and feet after hours of hiking in heels. Can we get a Hallelujah? 

    More On : 6 foam roller moves that will change your workout (and your body!)

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