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    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    High-Intensity Interval Training: 10 Exercises That Will Warm You Up Instantly

    Loopy Lunge

    Love your legs with these alternating lunges that zone in on your quads and glutes, giving you that to-die-for definition that's LBD-ready all year long.

    Targets arms, abs, and legs

    Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding handle of kettlebell in left hand, arms by sides.
    Lunge forward with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees, and pass kettlebell under right thigh to grab handle with right hand.
    Pushing off right heel, return to start position.

    Repeat, lunging forward with left leg and passing kettlebell under thigh to left hand. Continue, alternating sides, for 1 minute.

    More On : High-Intensity Interval Training: 10 Exercises That Will Warm You Up Instantly

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