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    Monday, February 23, 2015

    10 Moves for Inner and Outer Thighs

    Thighs are tough. It’s just like arm flab; there seems to be too much there and you don’t know how to get rid of it! Everyone complains about their thighs and the only solutions seem to be either cosmetic surgery or exercise. Now, some people might opt for surgery, but the cheaper and safer solution is to exercise and tone your thighs. Here are a few great moves specifically for working out your inner and outer thighs. Before you know it you won’t have anything to complain about!

    >> Read more: 6 Saddlebag Shavers

    Side Lunge with Sliding Disk: This move requires a sliding disk. If you don’t have one, you can easily substitute it with a hand towel or plastic lid. Or you can wear socks and do this move on a hardwood floor! This will work your legs and glutes. While you’re sliding your leg back to the center, your inner thighs will do all the work. Click here to see how to do it!

    Ball Leg Lifts: You’ll need one of those large stability balls to complete this exercise move. It will help tone your inner thighs and core.

    First, start off lying on your side with your arms crossed in front of your body. If you’re uncomfortable, you can always bend your bottom elbow and rest your head on your hand.
    Next, place the exercise ball between your feet, and slowly lift the ball up towards the ceiling using only your hips and butt. Now return to the start position.
    That was one repetition, do three sets of 15 reps! (via Popsugar)
    Inner Thigh Lifts: With the straight knee you’re forced to work all your inner leg muscles. Click here to see how to do it!

    Frog Jumps: This is a great move to tighten your inner thighs and keep your heart rate up! Click here to see how it’s done!

    Frog Jump
    Scissor Leg Planks: This will force your arms, chest, core, glutes and inner thighs to engage to support this move.

    Start in a plank position with each foot on a folded towel or gliding disk. You need to keep your upper body stable while you slide your feet apart.
    Open your legs as wide as possible, then slowly squeeze your inner thighs to slide your feet back together.
    Do two sets of 15 reps. (via Shape)
    >> Read more: 6 Plank Modifications to See More Results

    Band Lateral Walks: This move requires a resistance band. It will target your core and your outer thighs!

    While in a standing position, you want to place the resistance band around your ankles. Begin stepping to one side while keeping your hips stable, chest open and abs engaged.
    Make sure you maintain on the band as you continue stretching in the same direction with the same leg.
    Do 15 to 20 reps on each side. (via Self)
    Elbow Plank with Leg Lift: Be sure to keep your pelvis high as you lift your top leg. A little trick to keep your pelvis high is by reaching the inner thigh of your bottom leg towards the ceiling.

    To start off, place your elbow on the ground. Then extend both legs out so they’re in a straight line. This leaves you balancing on the outside edge of your right foot. If you can, flex both feet and place your left hand on your upper hip.
    Lift your leg up just higher than your top hip. Then, slowly lower it back to your bottom leg.
    Do three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions on both sides. (via Popsugar)
    Leg Circles: This move is a bit kinder, allowing you to lie on the ground for the duration of the workout. You can put a yoga mat or towel under you for this one. You can also add weights to bump up the difficulty. Here’s how to do them!

    Wall Squat: This move can be done anywhere, whether it be at home, the gym or even your work office. Here’s how!

    >> Read more: Do You Know Squat? 4 Steps to Perfect Squats

    Stair Climbers: You can try this exercise at the gym on one of those fancy stair machines or just use your own stairs at home!

    To work your thighs, you want to stand sideways to the stairs. You’re going to scissor your legs as you climb.
    Start out slow so you don’t trip! Try one flight of stairs for your left and one for your right. When you get to the bottom just start back up to the top again.

    More On : 10 Moves for Your Inner and Outer Thighs

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