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    Monday, September 15, 2014

    Health Benefits of Walking

    Walking is an easy, inexpensive and effective method to stay fit. Even busy people can devote some time to walking every day, as it is a natural activity. 

    It can improve your quality of life, improve your physical fitness and even elevate your mood.

    Benefits of Walking: A Healthy Heart

    Walking lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the chances of cardiovascular ailments. It can also make your lungs, muscles and heart stronger. This will help your heat pump more blood to all parts of the body. Regular brisk walking can help you burn about 200 calories each day, thereby reducing excess flab.

    Reduces the Risk of High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

    Research reveals that regular walking can improve the blood pressure levels and Body Mass Index (BMI) of diabetes patients. More insulin is utilized, which improves the levels of blood sugar. By lowering blood pressure, walking protects against stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.

    Reduces Cancer Risk and Effects

    Studies reveal that brisk walking can reduce the risk of getting colon cancer. Walking also improves blood circulation and fuels positive energy in the walker, which help to reduce the effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy.

    Psychological Benefits of Walking

    Walking has many mental benefits too. Brisk walking eases anxiety and stress, alleviates depression and helps you kick-start your day in a positive manner. It boosts your mood and self-esteem, and you can feel happy, positive and energetic through the day.

    Walking Boosts Brainpower

    Brisk walking stimulates the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain, improving its functioning and your memory power. Walking also helps seniors avoid Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

    Walking Elongates Lifespan

    Brisk walking every day can add years to your life. You can also delay or prevent age-related ailments like osteoporosis, by keeping your bones and muscles strong and firm. If you feel lonely in old age, you can try group walking to cheer up and feel motivated.

    Walking Reduces Fatigue

    Brisk walking improves your stamina and you will feel more energetic while doing your daily tasks. You can get rid of fatigue and feel strong and vigorous throughout the day. You can also say goodbye to laxatives, low back pain and body stiffness, which are all side effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

    Spiritual Benefits of Walking

    If you are spiritually inclined, you can try mindful walking which has been described as meditation in motion. Instead of walking on autopilot and becoming mindless, you can try mindful walking. Read on to learn the numerous benefits of walking with mindfulness:
    • You can learn to stay in the present moment and enjoy it.
    • You can become more aware of your body and mind.
    • You can become more sensitive to your body’s needs, which could be regular exercise or restrained nutrition.
    • You can quiet your mind if it is agitated.
    • Individuals who are unable to meditate while sitting, can try mindful walking meditation.
    • Walking boosts your spirit and helps you cope with despair and agitation.
    • You can holistically improve your body, mind and spirit through mindful walking.
    • Just 10 minutes of mindful walking everyday can help you reap the above benefits.


    We hope this article has enthused you about the
    benefits of walking regularly. Get cracking and walk your way to better physical, mental and spiritual health.

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