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    Friday, September 26, 2014

    Health Benefits of Celery

    Celery is a member of carrot family and originated from Mediterranean. This was introduced in United States in the early 1900s. Celery’s medicinal properties have been mentioned in a Greek epic poem, Odyssey written by Homer. In ancient Greece, celery was known as selinon. It was considered as a holy plant and the leaves of this plant were also used for decorating the winners of Nemean Games. Celery also has many health benefits. Following lines give information on the health benefits of celery.

    Reduces blood pressure:

    Celery has a chemical that lowers stress hormone levels in the blood. This lets the blood vessels to expand and gives more space for blood flow, hence reduces blood pressure.

    Reduces cholesterol levels:

    Regular consumption of celery reduces the clogging of arteries by cholesterol.

    Acts as a good antiseptic:

    Celery seeds aid in eliminating uric acid from the body. Hence it is good for people suffering from cystitis, kidney problems, bladder disorders, etc. These also help in preventing urinary tract infections in women.

    Promotes the health of joints:

    Celery is an excellent food for people with gout, arthritis and rheumatism. The anti inflammatory properties of celery aid in reducing the pain and swelling near the joints. These sticks contain diuretic substance which helps to flush out uric acid crystals which get collected around the joints.

    Enhances immunity:

    This is rich in vitamin C, hence it boosts immune system of a person.

    Prevents cancer:

    It contains polyacetylenes and phthalides. These anti cancerous substances detoxify carcinogens. Also it contains coumarins which improve the functionality of some white blood cells.

    Relief from cold:

    Due to the presence of vitamin C, consumption of celery gives relief from the common cold.

    Reduces intensity of asthma:

    Vitamin C present in celery prevents the damage caused by free radicals and hence, lessens the severity of the inflammatory conditions such as asthma.

    Diuretic activity:

    It is rich in both potassium and sodium. These minerals aid in regulating the fluid balance.

    Cardiovascular health:

    Vitamin C present in the roots of celery enhances cardiovascular health.

    Cures rheumatism:

    Extracts of celery contain 85% of 3nB. This is very effective in treating muscular pains and arthritis.

    Gives relief from migraine:

    It contains coumarins which give relief from migraine headaches.

    Good for diabetic patients:

    Consumption of celery leaves helps in treating diabetic conditions.

    Relives ophthalmologic disease:

    Dripping of celery tea drops on the eyelids is good for ophthalmologic affects.

    Due to the high levels of calcium, celery calms nerves. Hence, eating celery aids people to be calm. It also acts like an antioxidant also. All parts of the celery such as leaves, seeds and root may be used for treating many ailments. Consumption of celery juice before meals helps in reducing the weight. It also has many nutritional benefits. Regular consumption of celery aids in preventing gallbladder, liver, pancreatic and kidney diseases, tuberculosis, obesity, anemia, acidosis, over work of brain, dropsy and pyorrhea, catarrh, high blood pressure, asthma, constipation and neuritis. This also helps in improving dental health.

    Nutritional Values of Celery:

    Following are the nutritional values of celery present in 100 grams:
    • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – 0.057 mg
    • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) – 0.021 mg
    • Vitamin B6 – 0.074 mg
    • Vitamin B3 – 0.32 mg
    • Vitamin E – 0.27 mg
    • Vitamin C – 3.1 mg
    • Calcium – 40 mg
    • Copper – 0.035 mg
    • Magnesium – 11 mg
    • Iron – 0.2 mg
    • Potassium – 260 mg
    • Zinc – 0.13 mg
    • Sodium – 80 mg
    • Protein – 0.69 g
    • Dietary fiber – 1.6 g
    • Sugars – 1.83 g
    • Carbohydrates – 2.97 g
    • Total fat – 0.17 g
    • Calories – 16 kcal
    • Energy values – 67 kj
    This is all about the health benefits and nutritional values of celery.

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