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    Friday, September 12, 2014

    Effective Herbal Skin Care Tips

    Getting the perfect flawless skin is the ultimate dream of every woman. However, with our busy schedule and the pollution that plagues our daily life, maintaining a glowing skin in itself becomes quite an uphill task. But retaining the natural glow of your skin requires undertaking a skin care regime which needs to be followed everyday.

    You don’t need to spend hours in the parlor nor is buying expensive skin-care products the only way to ensure that you have healthy and glowing skin. All that you need to do is follow few simple steps everyday and getting the natural glow of your skin would soon turn into a reality. So, if you are looking for some handy tips to get the flawless skin, read on as here is a list of useful and effective herbal skin care tips.

    Drink Plenty Of Water

    Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water is one of the basic steps that you need to take to maintain a healthy and fair skin. Staying hydrated is the key mantra that you need to follow in order make sure that your skin retains its natural glow. Also, avoid consuming carbonated drinks as much possible.

    Prevent Exposure To Sun

    The UV rays of the sun have many damaging effects on the skin such as tanning and loss of its natural complexion. Although a number of sunscreen lotions are available in the markets, most of these products are not completely effective in protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

    Instead opt for natural remedies such as a mixture of lemon juice and a teaspoon of curd and honey, which acts as an effective anti-tanning agent if used on a regular basis. You could also use a mixture of almond oil and honey in equal quantities, apply it on your face at night and wash it off after ten minutes to get back your natural complexion.

    Keep Your Skin Moisturized

    Your skin can look healthy only when it receives all the necessary nutrients and retains adequate amount of moisture. Milk can act as an effective moisturizing agent and massaging milk on the skin on a regular basis can restore its natural glow.

    Eat Healthy

    One of the basic tips to get the flawless skin is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Consume foods rich in vitamin A and C as well as minerals to fulfill the nutritional requirements of the skin.

    At the same time, make sure that you include lots of green and leafy vegetables as well as fruits in your diet to provide the skin with the requisite nutrients. Cut down oily and fatty food from your diet as it can result in skin issues.

    Natural Bleaching

    To reveal the glowing complexion of your skin and give it a fair look, you might often resort to bleaching. However, using skin products for bleaching often leads to allergies and skin irritation in many women and so you can opt for natural remedies which do not have any side-effects. Make a mixture of milk and lemon and massage it on your skin. This mixture acts as a natural bleaching agent without any side-effects.

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