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    Sunday, September 7, 2014

    Castor Oil for Your Health

    Castor oil is the oil extracted from castor seeds and has been used for thousands of years for its innumerable health benefits. The unsaturated fatty acid riconoleic acid that is found in the oil is known to be the cause for its healing properties. It has been used  for gastro intestinal disorders,  genito urinary problems, infections and an immune enhancer.

    As internal medicine

    Castor oil is regularly used as an internal medicine, but it is to be noted that it has certain side effects and therefore you should consult a physician before you consume it. It is used against collectivists (gall bladder inflammation), constipation, epilepsy, liver problems like cirrhosis and to induce labor in pregnant women.

    As an anti infectant

    It can be used both topically and internally as an anti viral, anti bacterial and an anti fungal agent. It removes infections internally and also heals skin infections and warts. It is used as an effective cure for ring worm due to its potential anti fungal properties.


    Castor oil packs

    Popularised by Edgar Cayce, castor oil packs are used widely to boost the functioning of immune system. These packs are known to stimulate the thymus gland which increase the production of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes or white blood cells are responsible for the immunity of the body.

    Lately, castor oil packs are being used to treat a wider range of health problems like arthritis, muscle pains, nerve problems, headaches, bursitis and menstrual pains.

    You can make a castor oil pack at home by following these simple steps
    • A flannel cloth folded into 2 or 3 layers is taken that covers your entire abdomen.
    • Add a few drops of castor oil on to one side of the cloth and place the side with the oil on your stomach.
    • Add heat on to it using a hot bottle of water or a heating pad on the other side.
    • Lay still for 30 mins to 45 mins.
    • When you are done remove the cloth and place it in a plastic bag until the next time you use it.
    • Keep adding oil to the same side everyday and repeat the procedure.

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