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    Friday, August 22, 2014

    Iron Deficiency Symptoms in Women

    Women often experience iron deficiency due to heavy loss of blood during their menstrual cycles, inability to supply the increased demands of body for iron during pregnancy or lack of insufficient iron in diet. Iron is the most essential element which is required for hemoglobin formation in the body. Hemoglobin plays a vital role in transferring oxygen to various parts of the body by being present in the red blood cells. It is also present in several enzymes but iron is mostly used for producing hemoglobin. Menopausal women, teenage girls and nursing and pregnant women must have adequate amounts of iron in their diet. Following are the iron deficiency symptoms in women.

    Iron Deficiency Symptoms in Pregnant Women

    Nearly 50% extra blood is produced in a woman’s body during pregnancy. The body needs more iron for the development of fetus, placenta and uterus. Most women fail to consume sufficient amounts and are advised to take iron supplements. Nearly 50% of pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency. Here are some of the symptoms:
    • Difficulty in concentration
    • Increased irritability
    • Difficulty in breathing
    • Heart palpitations
    • Increased heartbeat
    • Headache
    • Pale lips
    • Brittle and pale fingernails
    • Pale palms
    • Excessive weakness
    • Constant fatigue
    Pica A condition that involves craving for non-edible items such as paint chips, cigarette butts, ice cubes, paper, clay and so on
    Women following vegetarian diet may also develop iron deficiency because they do not consume meat, particularly red meat. But foods such as beets, spinach, broccoli, fruits, walnuts, almonds, dates, grapefruits, bananas and apples may provide required amounts of iron.

    Iron Deficiency Symptoms in Teenage Girls

    Besides transport of oxygen, iron is required for normal body metabolism. Iron aids in synthesizing DNA, brain chemical dopamine and white blood cells as well. Hence the symptoms may include:
    • Frequent infections
    • Low resistance to diseases
    • Weak immune system
    • Inability to think properly
    • Impaired neurological development
    • Poor academic performance
    • Behavioral disturbances
    • Low bone density
    • Hampered growth
    • Cracks at the corners of the mouth
    • Sore tongue
    • Increased irritability
    • Lack of concentration and confusion
    • Lightheadedness and dizziness
    • Chest pain and heart palpitations
    • Difficulty in breathing or rapid breathing
    • Pale lips, pale and brittle nails and pale skin
    • Fatigue
    • Tiredness
    • Lack of energy
    Iron Deficiency Symptoms in Menopausal Women:

    Nearly 6% of post-menopausal women and 10% of premenopausal women may experience low iron. Low iron symptoms include
    • Difficulty in swallowing
    • Sores at the corners of the mouth
    • Sore tongue
    • Brittle hair and brittle nails
    • Dry throat and mouth
    • Rapid heartbeat
    • Giddiness and excessive tiredness
    • Difficulty in breathing on slight exertion
    • In extreme cases, achy legs, angina and headache
    • Fainting
    • Pale appearance
    If iron deficiency signs are neglected in women the body may gradually starve for oxygen. This leads to serious health conditions like extreme fatigue, heart palpitations, difficulty in breathing and skin pallor.

    RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance of iron for a woman over the age of 51 is 8mg per day. 18 mg per day is needed for women between the age group of 19 – 50 and for pregnant women it is about 27 mg per day. Fortified cereals, whole grain products, raisins, legumes and bean products, seeds and nuts, green leafy vegetables, fish, poultry and meat are rich sources of iron.

    Besides lack of iron in diet, excessive consumption of medicines such as aspirin, medications for hemorrhoids, parasitic infections, inflammatory bowel disease, tumors, internal bleeding because of peptic ulcer and gastritis may also lead to iron deficiency. Likewise, if your body is unable to absorb iron which is consumed through diet, you are likely to suffer from low iron even after consuming a healthy diet rich in iron. Vitamin C improves the iron absorption process and thus consumption of sufficient vitamin C is must to maintain proper levels of iron. We hope the above information about iron deficiency symptoms in women is helpful for you. Family members must encourage menopausal and pregnant women to consume a diet rich in iron.

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