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    Friday, August 29, 2014

    Home Remedy for Worms

    A large variety of worms are found in our body especially in the stomach and intestine. Worms enter our body through nose and skin or from the food that we eat or water that we drink.

    Some worms are big in size and some are microscopic in size. There are different types of worms such as round worm, pin worm, hookworm, tape worm and whip worm.

    Symptoms and Different Types of Worms

    Round Worms
    Symptoms are pain in the eye and upper abdomen, loss of appetite etc.

    Hook Worms
    Symptoms are dry skin and hair, craving to eat soil. Loss of appetite, skin irritation, abdominal pain and mental dullness are other symptoms.

    Whip Worms
    Symptoms are weight loss, nausea, anemia, pain in the lower abdomen and weight loss.

    Tape Worms
    Usually do not have any symptom. Detected in stool sample. The person may suffer from dizziness, vomiting, weight loss, nausea and loss of appetite.

    Pin Worms
    Symptoms are irritation and itching. The eggs can pass to others through air or infected food.

    Home Remedies for Worms
    • Eat tomatoes in the morning when the stomach is empty. This can help in throwing the worms out of the body.
    • Mix pumpkin seeds and onion with soy milk and take this combination. This is a good home remedy for worms.
    • Eat bitter melon (bitter gourd) to kill pinworms.
    • Eat raw pineapples for 3 days kills tapeworms.
    • Mix ½ tbsp of fenugreek seeds with water for a few days.
    • Eat a small piece of jaggery after each meal.
    • Eating cloves with every meal can kill the parasites in the intestinal tract.
    • Grate a carrot in a small cup and eat it in the morning when the stomach is empty.
    • Add a tbsp of rock salt in a glass of boiled water. Drink it empty stomach in the morning.

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