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    Thursday, August 28, 2014

    Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcer

    Peptic ulcer is the ulcer present in the digestive system. Usually gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers together are termed as peptic ulcer.

    These are very common in middle-aged men and women, who are ‘acidity’ patients for a long time. Peptic ulcer in the stomach causes severe stomach pain particularly in the inner stomach. People suffering from acidity or some stomach infection are more prone to peptic ulcer.

    Peptic ulcer affects ten percent of U.S. people at some point in their lives.About 20 million Americans develop at least one stomach ulcer during their lifetime.

    About 6,000 Americans die of stomach ulcer-related complications every year. But there is nothing much to worry as it can be successfully treated.

    Some of the most efficient home remedies for peptic ulcer are being given below

    Banana balances the hyper-acidity caused due to gastric juices. You can also take banana milk shake. This is a good home remedy for peptic ulcer.

    Lemon juice
    Lemon juice mixed with little salt is a simple home treatment for peptic ulcer.

    Castor oil
    Add 2-3 drops of castor oil in one cup of warm milk and drink this milk. This is a good treatment for peptic ulcer.

    Indian gooseberry
    Juice of Indian Gooseberry is very useful for peptic ulcer treatment. Take 25 ml of this juice early in the morning.

    Wood apple
    The diluted solution of this fruit in water is very beneficial for curing peptic ulcer.

    Some fluids
    Drinking plain almond milk is very beneficial. Carrot juice mixed with beet root juice is also beneficial.

    Diet tips
    • Take healthy diet which is rich in fruits, green leafy vegetables, milk etc.
    • Avoid oily and junk foods. Avoid sour and citrus fruits.
    • Take sugar free milk.
    • Take small meals instead of heavy meals.
    • Eat your food on time.
    • Eat bananas. These are effective in peptic ulcer treatment.
    • Cabbage vegetable is useful in peptic ulcer treatment.
    Causes of Peptic Ulcer
    • Bacteria H.pylori
    • Regularly using pain killers
    • Stress
    • Smoking
    • High alcohol consumption
    • Spicy foods
    • Symptoms of Peptic Ulcer
    • Burning abdominal pain
    • Vomiting
    • Weight loss
    • Appetite changes
    • Blood in stool

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