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    Monday, August 11, 2014

    Digestion Problems Causes

    Digestion is a very important process for any organism. In humans, the digestive system processes the food which we consume and also converts it to energy and nutrients. This process of converting food into energy and secretion of waste materials is called digestion. Proper digestion is must for absorbing nutrients from food to achieve good health. Digestion problems may cause several other health problems because of poor nutrients absorption. Many people might have suffered from
    digestion problems

    at some time or the other. Improper digestion may result in digestive system diseases and some can also be fatal at times. It is the common problem faced by diabetics.

    Digestion Problems Symptoms

    Digestion problems is also referred to as maldigestion. Following are some symptoms of digestion problems which can be an early symptom of severe health conditions
    • Abdominal pain
    • Excessive flatulence
    • Excessive belching
    • Heartburn
    • Bloating
    • Constipation
    • Diarrhea

    Diseases Caused by Digestion Problems

    Following are some common diseases caused by digestion problems
    • Hemorrhoids or piles
    • Crohn’s disease
    • Irritable bowel syndrome

    Other health conditions caused by digestive problems include:
    • Skin disorders
    • Arthritis
    • Sudden weight loss
    • Anemia
    • Allergies
    • Chronic fatigue
    Digestion Problems Causes

    Several factors contribute to digestion problems. Other external factors such as lack of exercise, age, depression, excessive drinking and smoking also cause digestive problems:

    Environmental Toxins

    Toxins like pollution, radiation, chemicals, additives in foods, etc play a vital role in the health of the digestive system. Toxins may reduce the availability of nutrients and energy required for digestion.


    Over the counter and prescription medications are harmful for digestive system and interrupts the digestion process. Certain anti inflammatory drugs irritates stomach lining and cause infection as well.

    Eating Habits

    Swallowing food with improper chewing causes bloating and indigestion. Eating an improper combination of food such as eating fruits with extremely with other foods, protein with starched pasta or extremely fatty foods are the most common causes of digestive problems.

    Improper diet

    Eating junk and processed foods that lack essential nutrients, fiber and raw foods also interrupt the digestion process. Also food allergies cause digestive problems.


    Antibiotics destroy good bacteria and thus it causes indigestion. Good bacteria helps in combating harmful pathogens present in digestive tract and helps in digestion. As you stop using antibiotics, these pathogens attack the immune system and weakens it.


    Digestive system is controlled by the nervous system, thus any kind of stress, whether it is emotional, mental or physical, afflicts the digestion. Toxins released from the physical trauma leads to digestive problems.

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