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    Thursday, August 7, 2014

    Broccoli Health Benefits

    Broccoli is one among the cruciferous vegetables and is closely associated with cauliflower and cabbage. This is an excellent accompaniment for stirring fries and pastas. It also makes an excellent soup. Broccoli is very delicious if consumed raw, cooked with cheese sauce or steamed lightly. Broccoli health benefits include strong bones, cancer prevention, healthy hemoglobin and iron levels and healthy sight. If broccoli juice is consumed daily, it prevents many ailments.

    Nervous system

    Broccoli contains high amounts of potassium that helps in optimal functioning of brain, to maintain healthy nervous system and promotes regular growth of muscles as well.

    Blood pressure 

    Besides potassium, it also contains calcium and magnesium which regulate
    blood pressure.

    Bone health

    As broccoli is rich in vitamin K and calcium, it helps in preventing osteoporosis and promotes bone health as well.

    Vitamin C

    A cup of broccoli contains RDA of vitamin C essential for combating free radicals. On the other hand, vitamin C is a very effective antihistamine to ease the discomfort caused by common cold.

    Immune system 

    A cup of broccoli boosts the immune system with a heavy dosage of beta-carotene. Selenium and zinc in broccoli strengthen the immune system.

    Sun damage

    Broccoli helps in repairing the skin damage. It contains glucoraphanin that helps to detoxify and repair the skin itself.


    Studies reveal that carotenoid lutein aids in preventing age related cataracts, macular degeneration and possesses anti cancer effects also. In addition, broccoli is a rich source of vitamin A which is required for the formation of retinol which is must for both color vision and low light vision.

    Diet aid

    Broccoli is rich in fiber that helps in digestion, maintaining low levels of blood sugar, preventing constipation and also curbs overeating. Moreover, one cup of broccoli has same amount of proteins that are present in a cup of corn or rice with half the calories.

    Heart disease

    Carotenoid lutein slows down or prevents thickening of arteries in human body, thereby combating heart disease and stroke. Folate and vitamin B6 in broccoli also reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.


    It contains glucoraphanin that helps the body to process anti cancerous compound sulforaphane. This compound eliminates H. pylori bacteria which increases the risk of gastric cancer. Also, it contains indole-3-carbinol which hinders the growth of breast, prostate and cervical cancer, but boosts functionality of liver.

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