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    Sunday, August 31, 2014

    8 Natural Remedies That Can Get Rid of Blackheads

    Blackheads or open comedos are accumulations of sebum and keratin in the hair follicles of the nose (sometimes on the back) that appear black because of the reflection of light on the pores.There are medications that can alter the hormone productions which can have many side effects and rigorous beauty treatments that can affect your skin that work against blackheads. However, there are some home remedies that are perfectly safe and can get rid of blackheads for you in a very less time when followed regularly.
    get rid of blackheads

    Lime Juice and ground Nut Oil
    Mix lime juice and groundnut oil in equal proportions and apply it onto your skin for about 15 mins before washing it away. This can help get rid of blackheads for you.

    Iodine and Epsom salt
    Add 4 drops of iodine and Epsom salt to half a cup of hot water. Mix it well and let it cool. Use a cotton ball to apply it on the area affected to get rid of blackheads.

    Fenugreek leaves
    Make a paste with fenugreek leaves and apply it on the blackheads affected area. Leave it untouched for about 20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. When followed for about a month religiously, this can work against blackheads.

    Radish paste
    Make a paste with grated radish or apply radish juice over the affected area. This can get rid of blackheads very quickly.

    Almond powder and rose water
    Make a paste with powder ground from almonds and rosewater and apply it on the blackhead affected area. This is known to be an effective remedy for blackheads.

    Natural scrub made from salt, honey, lime and yogurt
    Mix salt, honey, lime and yogurt in appropriate proportions and use it as a scrub on your face and the blackhead affected area.Try and use rock salt as it is hard and can make an effective scrub.

    Egg white face mask
    Beat an egg white and apply it on your face in the form of a mask. Let it stay for a few minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Later wipe it off with a clean towel. This aids in eliminating blackheads.

    Lemon Juice
    Application of lemon juice on the nose or on your back is an effective way to get rid of blackheads. Lemon juice may not be suitable for everyone though, as it is acidic in nature and can cause a burning sensation on the skin.
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