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    Friday, August 22, 2014

    12 Eye problems and tips

    Eyes are the most delicate organs of the body and need regular care.You will have to be especially careful if your eye has a disease so that you can come out of it quickly and safely. Here is a list of common eye problems and  some tips to deal with them.

    Dry Eyes
    Your eyes can get damaged by extreme dryness, so get medical advice even for mild cases. Artificial tears are often effective at treating dry eyes, but some people are allergic to the preservatives present in them. Avoid sitting next to fans or air conditioners, and try not to use hair dryers. Also, avoid spending time in smoky and overheated rooms. Wear sunglasses whenever you go out as they can often reduce the dryness caused by wind.

    Glaucoma needs early diagnosis and treatment. People over the age of 65, people suffering from diabetes and  those who have a family history of glaucoma  need  to get their eyes checked frequently. Your doctor can prescribe pills or eye-drops to reduce the pressure. They are effective in preserving vision and must be taken for the rest of your  life. Methods like the Laser and conventional surgical techniques are also useful in some cases.

    Detached retina
    Seek treatment immediately, as detached retinas tend to cause blindness. Visit an ophthalmologist as soon as you can. There are many treatments available now, including laser or surgical repair. These can successfully correct early retinal detachments in 90% of the cases.

    This is an eye problem where the eyelash follicles near the eyelid get inflamed causing the eyelid to get inflamed and they eyes to become irritated. You can apply warm moist compresses for 10 minutes several times in a day. And wash your eyelids with diluted baby shampoo, without letting it enter your eyes. If the problem doesn’t clear up, consult an eye-care professional, to prescribe some drops or ointment.  Don’t rub or scratch your eyelids.

    Foreign Bodies
    If there are any foreign bodies in your eyes, avoid rubbing or scratching your eye. Wash your eye with water, or hold your eye in a glass full of water. If the discomfort persists or becomes severe, see a doctor. Be careful with your nails, because you may end up scratching your eye. Never try to remove any particle that appears embedded in the eye, especially in the cornea

    Conjunctivitis is highly infectious. Avoid touching or rubbing your eye, to avoid spreading infection to the other eye, or to other people. Wipe away the discharge with a clean moist tissue. Wash your hands often and don’t use contact lenses or eye-makeup for a few days. Get a doctor’s help if redness worsens, discharge is severe, the eye becomes very painful or if the vision is persistently blurred. Antibiotic eye drops can clear up most bacterial infections.

    This requires surgical removal of the lens and replacement with intraocular lenses that are implanted in eye. This treatment is usually safe and 95 % effective at improving vision.

    Macular degeneration
    Macular degeration usually occurs in older people. Its symptoms include decreased acuity, loss or distortion of central vision and blind spots. Sun exposure may also aggravate the condition. There is no sure-shot cure for this but vision loss may be slowed with early treatment, that includes supplements containing zinc and antioxidants.  It may be dry or wet. The ‘dry’ form is more common whereas the ‘wet’ form is more severe, and there is an increased blood vessel formation and hemorrhages. Laser surgery may also help some people.

    Symptoms of Stye include red painful inflammations and small boils on the eyelids. You can press warm moist compresses on the eyelids for 10 minutes several times in a day. Don’t squeeze or rub the compresses onto the eyelids. It can spread the infection. Visit a doctor if the stye appears frequently or takes longer to heal.

    Lazy eye or Amblyopia
    Amblyopia or lazy eye, is a condition characterized by the abnormal reduction of vision without any definitive cause.Predominantly seen in children, about 3% of them under 6 get it in some form or other. Wearing glasses according to prescription will help in most cases. Vision Therapy is a recommended treatment for lazy eye. It can help correct eye movements, alignment problems, usage of both eyes, and focusing with both eyes.

    Itchy Red Eyes
    Exposure to dust, bright sun and strain are among the most common causes of redness and itchiness in the eyes. Apart from this, a person with flu,common cold,conjunctivitis and some allergies  could also experience watering and itching of the eyes. Getting enough sleep will remove the redness in most cases.  Try to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. If the redness and itching persist for days continuously despite taking enough care, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

    Dryness caused in summer
    Summers create problems for not just the hair and skin, but  can also for the eyes. Being extremely delicate and sensitive, eyes are easily affected by the scorching summer heat and also the bright sun light. In summers, eyes dry up, triggering irritation, allergies and redness .Try to stay home or indoors during the times of the day when the heat is extremely high. If you have to go out make sure that you protect your eyes with sunglasses that also protect the eye from UV rays. Try and wear a hat that is wide brimmed so that it covers you eye.

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