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    Monday, August 25, 2014

    10 Tips That Can Help You Gain Weight

    While a lot of people try hard to knock off their extra pounds there are people who are underweight and try to gain weight all of their life but seem to remain the same how much ever they eat. Being underweight is potentially harmful as it results in anorexia, malnutrition, depression and a risk for osteoporosis. It is especially bad if you are a woman as it can lead to a lot of problems like anemia and it has also been proven that it leads to miscarriage in pregnant women.

    Here are some tips that help you put on weight until you reach a BMI that is perfect
    • Be patient with your weight gain as it is tough to gain weight just like it is tough to lose weight.
    • Prepare a diet chart where you make sure that you consume more calories per day than you spend.
    • Exercise is helpful for weight gain just like it is helpful for weight loss. So, sign up for a fitness programme where you work out to get the muscle mass.
    • Foods that have high protein help in building muscle mass so ensure that your diet includes a high protein foods like eggs, low fat dairy, fish, almonds and milk.
    • Include high carbohydrate containing foods in your diet like rice. Also make sure that you eat fat containing foods. Make sure that you don’t over eat anything.
    • Bananas are known to be a healthy way of gaining weight. So, include bananas and banana milkshakes in your breakfast.
    • Include high calorie snacks in between your meals like cheese sticks, milkshakes, yogurt that are not so filling so that you don’t  lose your appetite for dinner but help you gain weight.
    • Lifting weights is known to be a great way of gaining weight, so try and make lifting weights  a part of your workout.
    • Consume a lot of liquids that are highly calorific. They are replenishing and help in putting on weight easily. Also, by consuming liquids you can make sure you don’t eat less for your dinner or lunch as they are not very filling.
    • Try not to eat a lot of junk food or fast food assuming that it will help you gain weight.  It can lead to diseases that can result in the opposite.

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