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    Thursday, March 13, 2014

    Top 3 Mole Removal at Home Remedies

    Most people who have mole would much rather prefer to remove them without causing scarring or pain, over the counter creams and herbal remedies make this a reality for mole removal at home. Mole removal at home is the cheaper alternative to costly surgical procedures. Before attempting any home remedies it is important to first consult your doctor and it is important to know how to perform the home remedy otherwise you might just end up wasting your own time by doing it wrong.

    Natural mole removal at home does have a downside in that it will take longer for results to be seen therefore patience is required. There are many different techniques for removing moles that you could try, out of all the methods I have come across I have found that most people will have greater success with the following three methods.

    Apple cider vinegar

    Before applying apple cider vinegar you need to moisten the skin surrounding the mole and the mole in warm water for approximately 15 minutes. This ensures the skin is supple which will make the removal process much more efficient. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline around the mole but not on it, this will protect the surrounding skin while the mole is in contact with the acidic apple cider vinegar. Take a cotton wool tip soaked in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the mole, leave for 20 minutes and then wash the area to remove the vinegar. Repeating this process several times is the most effective and you should start to see results after as little as a few days.


    Applying pure honey to the mole several times throughout the day works wonders at removing moles. Some people have noticed results after a few days, others it can be a couple of weeks before they start to see the mole disappearing. To add to the healing power of honey you could try adding flaxseed oil into the honey and this will speed up the mole removal process.


    Squeeze the juice of a grapefruit to your mole several times a day. If you continue to do this for about a month you will start to see that your mole is fading away before your eyes

    Mole removal at home requires patience, but if you can be persistent with the techniques described in this article I feel confident that these natural remedies will work and the benefits will far outweigh any surgical procedure.

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