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    Monday, March 10, 2014

    Natural Home Remedies For Sinus Infections

    Sinusitis or infection of the sinuses is a common but very painful ailment that is caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses. Sinusitis is usually caused by cold, allergies, bacterial infection or abnormal growth that is blocking nasal passage. However, doctors generally prescribe antibiotics for sinus infections and most of the time; they end up harming you more than they help you. A heavy head, nausea, dry eyes and an arid nose are common side effects of allopathic sinus cures. Long-term effects of such drugs include loss of immunity, toxicity and other serious health problems.

    The best sinus cures are time tested natural home remedies for sinus infections. Other natural treatment methods can also be looked into for curing your sinusitis permanently. But the next time you are stuck with a sinusitis problem, try out these home remedies for sinus infections.

    Garlic: Garlic is one of the best anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredients known to man and is an extremely effective home remedy for sinus infections. To get the maximum effect of these pills, crush fresh raw garlic and eat it all by itself or mixed with a juice or soup. If you cannot stand eating raw garlic, you can use garlic pills, but make sure that they are of a very good quality.

    Steam Inhalation: Another effective home remedy for sinus infections without any side effects whatsoever. Inhale steam by using a bowl full of hot steaming water or a vaporizer at least three to four times a day for 2-3 minutes. This drains mucus from your sinus and provides instant relief.

    Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and is very effective in decreasing mucus production and controlling colds and runny noses. To try out this home remedy for sinus infections, mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 8 parts warm water and drink this 2 to 4 times a day. For best results, use organic apple cider vinegar.

    Did you know Acute sinusitis can last 2-8 weeks, Sub-acute-lasting from 1-3 months long and Chronic - which are those infections that have lasted longer than 3 months. Can your body system afford to survive that long? Discover how you, friends and family members can stay healthy and free from sinus problems, sinus infections and constantly running noses or stuffed noses, no longer suffer today. Find out this natural treatment and get rid of your sinus problems forever. Please visit the link below.

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