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    Friday, March 14, 2014

    Home Remedies for Dark Skin

    How does it happen?
    • Color of the skin is congenital that means it is at present at the time of the birth.
    • Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause darkening of the skin. The ultra violet rays are extremely harmful for your skin. Ultra violet rays make the color of the skin dark.
    • Dehydration of the body can also cause darkening of the skin. If the body is not well hydrated then there are chances of darkening of the skin
    Home remedies for dark skin:

    There are many remedies for getting a fairer looking skin. However, the home remedies are the best for a glowing healthy skin. There are many products available in the market but there is nothing like the home remedies for removing the darkening of the skin. You must take proper care of your skin in order to feel good.
    • Keep yourself hydrated well enough for a healthy skin. You must drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Water is nature’s best gift to mankind. Water keeps away the toxins from your body and detoxifies your body.
    • Eat healthy and do not indulge yourself into fatty foods.
    • Make a paste of cucumber juice, lemon juice and potato juice and apply it on your face for at least fifteen minutes. Let it dry for half an hour and then wash it off with cold water. You must repeat it every day at least once a day.
    • Take some fresh turmeric and make a paste of it. Now add a spoon full of lime juice into it and apply it on the face and keep it for ten minutes. Now wash it off with cold water. You can do it every alternate day for best results.
    • Orange jest is an amazing product that will help you to get a fairer skin. Peel the orange and then grate the orange peel to get a good amount of jest. Now, make a paste of this jest with some curd and apply it on your face. Keep it for some time then take it off with cold water. Repeat it every week for better results.
    • Soak almonds overnight and then the next morning peel the skin off the almonds. Now, make a fine paste of the soaked almonds and put it evenly on the face and let it dry for some time. Then wash it well with water.
    • Take some gram flour, add a pinch of turmeric and make a paste with some fresh cream. Apply it on your face and wash it off when it dries up.

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