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    Sunday, February 16, 2014

    Home Remedies for Hair Fall

    Hair fall is one of the biggest problems faced by all the individuals. Hair fall has been a problem for not only for females but also for males. Two critical reasons behind hair loss are inadequate nutrition and hosh-posh and stress of modern lifestyle. Improper sleep, irregular sleep and dirty scalp can also be the results of unnatural hair loss.

    Rima loves to give trendy and stylish look to her hair. However, she is worried about the hair loss disorder caused due to use of chemicals. She is very jealous of her friends getting their hair straightened, permed and coloured. But, she is aware that these three practices are the main causes of hair loss in women. She feels very lucky to get the excellent tips about using home remedies for treating hair fall from her grand mom.

    Hair loss is a metabolic disorder where the hair starts becoming thinner and later it falls. Papilla is a nipple like structure, which produces hair when the group of cells turns amino acids into keratin. Keratin is a type of protein, of which hair is made and which helps in the growth of hair. The speed of production of these keratin proteins determines the growth of hair. But it is observed to have more hair loss in men then in women. Read on and find more about the causes of hair fall and home remedies for treating hair fall.

    Causes of Hair Fall
    • Deficiency of vitamins, proteins and folic acid in regular diet
    • Insufficient nutrition and irregular diet
    • Work stress, worry, anxiety, pressure, tension, trauma and sudden shock
    • Heredity issues
    • Chronic illness
    • Unclean and dirty scalp
    • Poor blood circulation and less hemoglobin
    • High Fever, severe infection and flu
    • Fungus or ringworm infection caused to the scalp
    • Not massaging your scalp for long time
    • Bleaching and hair colouring
    • Tremendous exposure to sun
    • Perming, straightening or ironing hair
    • Use of chemicals

    Home Remedies for Hair Fall

    There are a lot of ways in which one can prevent hair loss. However, the best and the most effective is the Home Remedies as if it does not work then it will not even have side effects. Home Remedies are as follows:

    By Rubbing Scalp

    The most efficient home remedy for prevention and treatment of hair loss is by vigorous rubbing of the scalp after washing hair with cold water. One should massage scalp till the time it is heated as it will increase the circulation of blood in the area which is affected and will also help the hair growth. This is one of the good home remedies for curing baldness or hair fall.

    Using Amla Oil

    Amla oil is said to be a very useful hair tonic for enriching your hair growth. It is made by boiling dry pieces of amla in the coconut oil. Applying a mixture of amla juice and lime juice in the hair before doing shampoo will also help in prevention of hair loss. This remedy also helps to prevent dandruff.

    With Help of Lettuce

    Lettuce is very useful to stop hair loss. In order to avoid hair fall one needs to take a mixture of lettuce and spinach juice and apply that in the affected area.

    With Amaranth

    The leaf juice of Amaranth should be applied like hair oil to avoid hair fall, which will help not only to keep the hair soft and silky, but will also help the growth of hair. Amaranth is the best home remedy to treat hair loss.

    With Mustard and Henna

    One of the safe and well known home remedies for hair loss is the mixture of mustard leaves and henna leaves. One should take both the leaves and then boil them. After boiling the mixture, you should filter it and then apply it on the affected area where you want to grow hair.

    With Liquorice

    Liquorice paste, which is made by crushing the Liquorice pieces in milk with a bit of saffron, is one more way through which one can prevent hair loss. It is very necessary to know the correct time at which the paste must be applied, to get the correct effect. This paste should be applied on the affected area before going to bed.

    Via Pigeon Pea

    A paste made up of red gram or pigeon pea will also help in the prevention of baldness. It is very much known for the growth of new hair.

    With help of Onions

    Onions are very useful to prevent erratic hair fall. The area affected should be massaged with onions in the morning and evening. It should be rubbed on scalp till the time it becomes red after which one should rub it with honey. You should make sure that you prevent your eyes from onion while using this remedy.

    Thus, using home remedies is the best way to cure hair fall. It is the most efficient and easy way to prevent hair fall. You should also try using less of chemical products on your hair which is the first step for preventing hair fall. Good luck for having a shiny think mane of hair for your self with home remedies.

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