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    Friday, February 7, 2014

    Five Tips to Cure Canker Sores

    I think that canker sores are the most painful ailments ever. I never realized how much I moved my tongue and cheeks until I had a canker sore. Then, I got another one. And another. By the end I had five canker sores at one time, I couldn't eat or swallow. It was so painful!

    So I got online and started researching remedies and I decided to share what I found with the world of online canker sore sufferers. I know your pain, my friend. Here is my list.

    Go to the health food store and buy Lysine tablets.  Lysine is an amino acid that the body doesn't produce on its own, you can only get it through diet. This is the remedy that my Dad uses, he swears by it. It has helped me; I think it deserves to be first on the tip list.

    Put baking soda on the sore. I did this and it hurt, but the cold sore was immediately reduced by about half and gone the next day.

    Put 5-7 drops of grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water and drink it three times a day. Grapefruit seed extract has the reputation of being an excellent anticeptic. Be warned, though, it tastes worse than awful. Use a strong juice like grape juice to disguise the flavor of the grapefruit seed extract. As a little side note, this is also my mother-in-law's cure for the common cold also!

    I came up with this one all by my self. It hurts like crazy, but the sore is immediately gone and the healing begins. Salt is the miracle cure. I take about one tablespoon of salt and I pack it in my mouth all around the sore. I leave it there for at least 15 minutes. It burns like crazy, probably because the salt is drawing out the poison, but it works. I put this one as number four since my husband thinks I'm crazy for going through the pain.  He has never had a canker sore before, so his opinion doesn't carry too much wait for me in this category.

    Once your canker sore is healed, get a new toothbrush! This way you don't carry any of the bacteria that caused the canker sore and get another one.

    I hope that these quick top help you heal your canker sore quickly. However, there are many people that suffer canker sores repeatedly.

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