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    Saturday, January 5, 2013

    Coping With Joint Pain

    Joint pain hampers the daily work of the person suffering from it. It becomes very difficult sometimes to carry on simple and easy work that is part of the daily routine. When someone experiences this difficulty more often, it is a matter of concern. There are some methods that would help you alleviate the pain.

    Methods of Treatment
    • Try to get rid of the pain with some home remedies. Ice packs help relieve pain and swelling.
    • Wristbands or kneecaps can ease your pain to a great extent and help you get along with your work as well. Even your doctor can give you some suggestions regarding home remedies or to get relief from pain at times.
    • Besides home remedies you can also carry on some exercises that are specifically to make your joints free and your doctor will be the best person to guide you through this. If you are not suffering from severe joint pain, you can carry on simple stretching exercises. Most of the water exercises or swimming itself is very relaxing and useful too.
    • In any case if you have pain that is exceeding or is slightly more than you can bear it, contact your doctor immediately. If you have been prescribed regular medicine, it is advisable that you carry on the medication without fail.
    • You can also ask your doctor to suggest you some food supplements that might help you maintain joint health.
    • There are alternative methods like acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, professional massage, physiotherapy and may be others that can help you. If the case is critical, anything you do should be only after you consult your doctor.
    These tips will help you through your joint pain and help you ease the pain on your own most often. However, if you are suffering from this pain or joint stiffness, you should take precautions always. Do not overdo anything and make your movements slow. Do not let your body stop working. If other things restrict you, you can have a walk often including the evening and morning regular walks.

    Any pain that continues for three months it is termed as chronic. Dealing with severe or switching pain continuously for three months is not easy to handle. Initially people try to get rid of the pain with the help of home remedies. Today, many people are suffering from arthritis in one form or another. There are plenty of supplements and medications available.

    It is better to get in touch with a good orthopaedist and get your tests done. He can suggest you with a complete round of treatment or suggest you medicines that will help you treat your pain in a healthier and specific manner. Consulting a specialist helps the patient heal up fast and better. He might suggest you some exercises that could be done on regular basis.

    Causes of Joint Pain

    Apart from heredity and common joint pains, there are various other reasons also. 
    • Illness – Some illness that attack quickly and stay for a short period of time also results in joint pain that can be severe also. There are some infections like influenza, inflammation of lungs, pneumonia and some more that brings along joint pain and weariness that usually gets better as the infection clears off.
    • Withdrawal of medicines – There are some medicines which when stopped, results in joint pain and fatigue.
    • Cancer – Any kind of cancer can result in joint pain and tiredness.
    Once you get the cause, it is easy to cure the joint pain. Consult a doctor if the pain is severe and persisting.

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