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    Friday, October 19, 2012

    How To Lose Weight Fast

    In today's world everybody seems to be obsessed with weight. Looking at the pencil-thin models on television, everybody aspires to look like them. Being overweight can cause many problems. Apart from the health problems, being overweight also results in low confidence and low self-esteem. Here are some tips on how to lose weight for a slimmer and fitter you.

    Start reading Labels 
    Read labels before buying foods. It sounds boring, but it is important if you really want to reduce your weight. Try to avoid foods that contain trans-fat and preferably eat food which says zero trans fat. Even if you do not want to go through everything, read the calorie counts at least.

    Baking is better than Frying 
    Instead of frying things, bake them. Baking is healthier than frying because baking requires less oil and fat.

    Avoid Readymade and Fast foods 
    Whenever possible, try to eat fresh food. Processed and packaged foods and even fast foods have more sodium and fat content. Take home-cooked food for lunch to office rather than eating out.

    Snacking on Vegetables 
    If you are feeling hungry during the day, snack on vegetables instead of oily and fried foods. If you are unable to control your hunger pangs, you can snack on vegetables like carrots or cucumbers rather than fried or oily snacks as these are a healthy option and will not result in weight increase. Carrots are very good for your eyes and teeth also. The benefits of fruits and vegetables are plenty.

    Do not deprive yourself completely 
    Everybody has their favourite foods. If you have been watching your diet and eating healthily, there is nothing wrong in giving in to that bit of indulgence as a treat to yourself. Watch the quantity and frequency of these treats however. There is nothing wrong in rewarding yourself once in a while if you have been following the weight loss regimen strictly. Completely depriving yourself can lead to frustration and even a relapse.

    Exercise with a Companion 
    Try to find a companion for exercising. If you plan to go jogging, ask somebody else to join you everyday. If it is early in the morning and you are feeling lazy to go out jogging, the very thought that you are keeping somebody waiting will drive you out of your bed. Losing weight with a companion is always more helpful, but the other person must be someone who is committed. You both can encourage each other and motivate each other. Also, exercising with another person can be more fun and enjoyable.

    Try to reduce intake of Sugar and Sweets 
    Sugar especially in its concentrated form is very high in calories. Try to reduce intake of sugar in your daily life. Reduce the amount of spoons of sugar in your milk. If you take two spoons of sugar, you should try and bring it down to one spoon. 

    While preparing food if you need to add some sugar in a dish, reduce the quantity. Also, it has been seen that sugar has very little or practically no nutrition value.

    Have a High Fibre diet 
    Having a diet which is high in fibre is beneficial while losing weight. Foods which are high in fibre make you feel full for a longer period of time. You would not feel those hunger cravings soon which is a common dilemma faced by those trying to lose weight. Examples of foods rich in fibre include oats, fruits and vegetables especially with their skins, beans, pulses and more.

    Plan ahead 
    If you have resolved to lose weight, you must plan ahead. Purchase healthy foods and keep before hand itself. A situation should not arise when you feel hungry and you go to your kitchen and find it stocked only with foods like potato chips, ice creams and other unhealthy foods. Keep your kitchen stocked before hand itself with fruits, vegetables and other healthy options. In this way, you will not be forced to eat foods high in calories because healthier options were not available. So, plan ahead and make necessary purchases.

    Sleep and Weight 
    Experts say that you must get enough sleep if you want to lose weight. Studies conducted have shown that reduced sleep results in weight gain. 

    Losing weight may seem like an unattainable goal, but with patience and hard-work it is possible. So, good luck with your goal to reduce weight and knock those extra calories off!

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