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    Wednesday, October 3, 2012

    How To Get Pregnant Naturally

    To get pregnancy is a strong desire of women. Some women get pregnancy naturally that means they do not want to do any efforts to get pregnancy due to their fertility, while some women suffer many problems to get pregnancy. Even though they do many efforts for several years, they do not find any success for getting pregnancy. There are many reasons for not getting pregnancy such as fertility factor of man and woman, lack of intercourse during most fertile time, use of harmful birth control pills or methods and many more. You need to find correct reason that resists your pregnancy if you are trying for pregnancy from many years otherwise some important tips as under can guide you to get pregnancy.

    Avoid Negative Thoughts 
    In couple, especially in woman, suffer from feeling that she never gets pregnant if she could not get pregnancy after a few years of their marriage. Such feeling produce stress in their mind and affects natural sex process. Therefore, it is advisable to not think negatively. Think positive that everything is possible in today’s age and you also able to conceive baby. Do not have sex to get child, enjoy sex naturally to get positive outcome.

    Know your most Fertile Window 
    Sometimes many women are not aware of their most fertile time even after many years of their marriage life. This is really a matter of issue to not get pregnancy. You need more sexual intercourse during your most fertile time. You can learn your right ovulation time to identify your most fertile period. You can find a variety of information available on internet that helps to predict ovulation time. You need to keep watch on your menstrual cycle. There are many methods that help you to know about ovulation.

    Avoid Alcohol
    If any of you are strongly habituated with smoking or drinking, you need to quit it as soon as you can. More use of alcoholic products affects your fertility. If you find problem in getting pregnancy, you should convince your partner to avoid such habits.

    Right sexual position 
    Right sexual position help sperm swim up the vagina. The missionary position is helpful than other position such as sitting, standing, straddling, or on top of your partner. During sex, put a pillow below your hip. It will give extra time to the sperm for travel to the cervix. To have sexual intercourse in early morning or afternoon is more beneficial as sperm levels are highest during these periods. To have more sex can give benefit to get pregnancy, but you should not have any stress during sex.

    Maintain Weight 
    Healthy and balanced diet is very essential to maintain your weight. You should control your weight. You should not be overweight or underweight. You need to eat healthy meal and follow your healthy diet schedule. It will beneficial to your health and increase your fertility level.

    Consult Experienced Gynecologist
    Many other reasons can also affect your pregnancy such as use of birth control pills or coil or other methods. Some times it can take time to obtain natural fertile level when you are using such methods. It may vary from one month to one year depends on type of method using for controlling birth.

    If you have any doubt regarding fertility of yourself or your partner, you can consult experienced gynecologist and check for fertility test. They can guide you better to take right steps for getting pregnancy.

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